Saturday, September 8, 2007

We have pee pee!!

Well it was 1/8 of a teaspoon, but it still counts! Wes went pee on the potty!!!

He's still been telling us to "change bum" and sure enough he's been wet every time. So I thought, what the heck, let's start putting him on the potty at scheduled times and see what happens. We made it real light and casual. When he gets up in the morning, before and after nap and before bed as well as whenever he said "change bum". I consulted with both his behaviorist and his OT to get some input. They said he seems to be showing great signs so go for it.

I'm stunned that it happened so fast. We've only been doing it for a few days. I know it was probably unintentional but again, maybe it wasn't. Tim and I made a huge deal out of it and actually made him upset. I think my voice was a bit too high pitched. I brought it down a few octaves, rubbed his back and gave him a sticker. He wasn't interested in the sticker. I guess I'll need to come up with another reward that's yummy.

I honestly thought this wouldn't happen for at least another year or two. Ahhh, my boy is growing up..

1 comment:

Casdok said...

Hope he continues to progress!!

Fast Forward

It's been nearly 9 years since my last post. Wow, have things changed! I'm not sure why I stopped posting to my blog. It was mos...