Friday, November 14, 2008

Grey's Neurology

Last night, the show Grey's Anatomy introduced a new character named Virginia Dixon. The character was played by the fabulous Mary McDonnell (Dances with Wolves, and Battlestar Galactica). The moment the character came on screen, I knew something was 'up'. After she first spoke, both Tim and I looked at each other and smirked. We knew this character would be labeled with Aspbergers Syndrome. Aspbergers is a high functioning form of autism under the Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Ms. McDonnell played the character well. She must have done quite a bit of research on the subject. Not only did she display the social awkwardness that accompanies Aspbergers, but she showed the preoccupation with information that some with Aspbergers can show. Her character will be back for at least two more episodes and I'm really interested in what will happen with Virgina Dixon.
So far, there have been mixed reviews out there on this role. Some were disappointed that the story line was blah, some were so happy to see a character with a disorder like this portrayed as a successful person. If you get a chance, or have already seen it, what's your take?


Casdok said...

I will have to look out for that! I think its great if done in a sensitive way as it raises awarness.

Lisa said...

I saw the show and I have to say that at first I just thought she was weird. And then when they revealed she had Asperger's I felt kind of bad for judging her. I know it's just a show...but I did.

Hmm. Awareness raised here.

Fast Forward

It's been nearly 9 years since my last post. Wow, have things changed! I'm not sure why I stopped posting to my blog. It was mos...