Saturday, March 10, 2007

Making Progress

Like I had said before, Early Support Services came out in Sept. to evaluate Wes and we came up with some things we would like them to work on with Wesley. We wanted him to broaden his vocabulary and use the words he used to use all the time. We wanted him to learn to request things such as more drink, more food, bedtime, etc. We wanted to see him learn to use words and connect them with what they represent and we wanted to increase his attention span and play with us or a toy for longer then 60 seconds.

I am so proud to say that he has improved in every one of those items. We can now sit and play for a good 10-20 minutes with something before he gets too frustrated and starts "stimming". He uses the word "more" a lot and appropriately. It seems like each day, he is saying something new. Sometimes it's hard to tell if he actually associates the words with what they represent though. He's also using eye contact in letting us know what he wants.

The other day, Wes was in the tub and bent down to lap at the water. He sat right up, looked right at me and said "mmmm, yummy". I about died! I couldn't believe it. I was so excited, I started clapping and in an excited voice telling him what a good job that is. I always say that when we are trying to get him to try a new food. He kept doing it with a proud look on his face. He even said "good" a few times. I am so stinkin proud of him!

Another day, I had given him a snack of Cheez-its in a small bowl. I put them on the table so he could eat them and went back into the kitchen. He picked up the bowl, brought it back in the kitchen and handed it to me while saying "no" and closing his eyes. I told him he could have something else and brought out a breakfast bar or Goldfish crackers. He looked at the crackers and then looked at me while flapping his hands and looking excited so I knew he wanted the crackers instead. I filled the bowl with the crackers handed it to him and he walked away. I followed him into the living room and he set the bowl down and started eating. Needless to say, I was so surprised. He actually asked for what he wanted, but in his own way.

He has come so far in 6 months. I never thought all this was possible. I knew it was going to be hard and a lot of work for him, but he's doing so well. He's starting to say some 2 word phrases but only when prompted. It's a start.

I'm very excited to see what the next 7 months has to bring. After that, he goes into preschool and into the school system. I can not believe my baby will be 3 years old in a little over 7 months! It seems like yesterday that I brought him home from the hospital and we started our journey as a family.

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Fast Forward

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